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Leif Eric Johnson
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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Unique games and pitches

I got busy with school and never posted my 3 ideas, but I think the one I picked was the best of the 3 anyway. I hope that my Rag Princess idea makes it through to the end.  I think my pitch went fairly well.  I really didn't want to run out of time though, so I rushed through the first part of the pitch and maybe got to the questions part a little too soon. I'm not sure if I gave people all that good an idea of what I imagine for this game idea.

I was a little disappointed with all the pitches though (not that I'm saying mine was the best or anything).  One of the best things about student games and independent games is that they can at least try to be unique, innovative, or new in some way.  But most of the pitches today seemed like games that I've already played a million times.  None seemed very original, and none really caught my attention.  I think of all the games pitched, Sarah's and Rielly's were the most original.  I also sort of liked the Cat Burglar game, but that's just cuz I like stealth games, not cuz it seemed all that unique.

Anyway, one of the things I was looking forward to most about hearing pitches was hearing people's cool ideas for games.  I mean, they're just pitches right? We should be a little bit experimental and daring in college.  Nothing bad can happen from pitching a crazy off the wall idea.  College is the perfect time to be experimental cuz if we ever actually get jobs in the industry, we may not get the chance again (at least that's what we film majors learn).  I just felt like all the games pitched today were just people ripping of previously made games (my own game was also guilty of this).

Of course, I'm kind of a niche gamer, and I don't really like mainstream games.  My problem is, whenever I hear the words "platformer," or "shooter," or "this game is like _______ combined with _________" I tend to lose interest.

That's the end of my whining for now.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

First day of class

So we had our first day of class today.  It kinda makes me tired just thinking about how much work this will be. Especially with the animation project I'm doing over the next two semesters.

But on the other had, it'll be fun too.  Now all I have to do is pick which of my ideas I will choose to pitch for the capstone project. I have 3 ideas right now, I'll blog post about them later.

And that's all for my first post.