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Leif Eric Johnson
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Friday, April 6, 2012

Sprint 3/5

Revised Pushing. I decided the original pushing didn't look good enough so I re-did it.

Pulling.  I got the pulling animation done.  The problem with this animation is that she pulls things of different shapes and sizes, so it's hard to tell where she should grab on. Also apparently her hands will appear behind the object, and we can't change that, so it doesn't matter too much how her hands look. I tried to make the pulling as generic as possible so I can change it if the programmers have any ideas of how to make her be able to realistically look like she's grabbing things when the objects she pulls are different shapes and sizes.

I also made a design for the Mountain level.

Good. I re-did the push to make it better quality.  Cristine was pleased.  I hope to keep the quality as good as possible for the animations.  Cristine really liked my design for the mountain level.  It should be a very cool level.

The push animation revise was technically extra. No one told me to make it better, but I like it a lot better now.


The death animation got bumped to next sprint. I will also work on a level design for the palace level. And do some art for the final boss.

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